Lone Wolf Longbows

                             ~ Truth:
         If a Welsh bowman was captured, his middle finger was cut off so he could not fire a bow any longer.  The Welsh would raise their middle finger, daring the enemy...This is known today as giving the "finger".
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         It was the Celts  (  later became the Welsh )  that invented the Longbow, in and around  1180 C.E..  The English employed the Welsh in their armies and became feared throughout the kingdom for their skills with a bow. The English did manufacture bows later on, but the Celts invented it.  Primarily made of Yew, other hardwoods have been used.
Truth :
Bows can be made lower poundage for target shooting  35-45# or higher poundage for hunting 45-65#  Can be made even
 higher for the Hail Mary effect.
  Shaping the bow limbs with a draw knife. Finish with a rasp and sandpaper....This is ash....
Handle shaped...  4  "  From centreline  2" each way.
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Finishing bow with sandpaper.. 80 grit  - 220 grit
String notches being filed in.........
A flat 90 degree filing on front and 45 degree angle on sides.
Arrow rest notched in above handle...right hand shooting.
Deerskin and lace wrapped  handle, with leather arrow rest.
Finished bow , strung and nocked.
Coming soon............