Lone Wolf Longbows
      I have been a bladesmith for over 25 yrs. I forge and work also with stainless steels. My specialty is Scottish weaponry but I have made hunting knives, spears for boar hunting, tomahawks etc. Check out my site.......
~ From the tree of life came mans first tools, weapons, and    the means to build a shelter and stay warm..
Maple Longbow
72 "  Longbow. .Canadian Maple. .  1  1/8"  wide,  tapering  to 5/8 "   Great target bow....# 35 -- draw at 28".  Leather laced handle with leather loop arrowrest.  Complete with string,  nocked  and balanced.

PRICE:  $ 250.00
* Shipping extra*
" Mighty Oak" Longbow
Coming soon.......
Bow  Quiver
Bow quiver made from 5mm cowhide, antique saddletan finish. 24 inches length, 4 inch diam.. Braided carry strap. Laced construction.
PRICE :  $ 225.00
Custom items from leather and cowhide. Biker goods, sheaths etc.
BRETHREN MC   Motorcycle Club, based in Ontario.